Althoff Industries, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Commercial Heating Maintenance’

Tips for Balancing a Boiler Replacement with Business Operation

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Do you have a boiler at your business location? If it’s showing signs of age, it may be time to upgrade to a new system before the winter season ends. This is a great way to enjoy a heating boost before warmer temperatures arrive and also ensure that you have a new system in place and working before the next winter season.

Give us a call and get on our calendar for a commercial boiler replacement in Chicago today while we’re in the slow season. Keep reading to learn the signs you need to watch for indicating problems at your business. 

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Are You Giving Your Commercial Heater the TLC It Deserves?

Monday, January 13th, 2025

When it comes to keeping your business running smoothly, a reliable heating system can make it or break it. That may sound like an exaggeration, but just think about it. If your space isn’t comfortably warm this winter season, your team will be less effective and customers won’t want to visit your space for very long. 

Keeping your heater operating at its best is as simple as partnering with our team to maintain your commercial heater annually. Just give our team a call to schedule your service appointment for commercial heating in Naperville, IL. You can also keep reading to learn about some of the steps you can complete as a business owner. 

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It’s Never Too Late to Schedule Commercial Heating Maintenance

Monday, December 9th, 2024
frozen glass

When it comes to maintaining a commercial facility, skipping essential tasks like heating maintenance can have costly consequences. If you’re a business owner or facility manager, keeping your commercial heating in Chicago, IL in prime condition should always be a priority—even if you’ve missed the ideal maintenance window. The good news is that it’s never too late to schedule commercial heating maintenance, and doing so can make a big difference in the performance and reliability of your system.

Here’s why routine heating maintenance is a must for commercial properties and why partnering with a professional contractor like Althoff Industries is the smartest move you can make.

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How Commercial Heating Systems Handle Extreme Weather Conditions

Monday, October 16th, 2023

When you think about the heating systems that keep your business running through our winter weather, does it ever seem amazing that these heaters are able to keep going considering all they’re up against? It’s no accident that they can withstand extreme weather: they’re built specifically to handle the job, and commercial HVAC contractors know the strategies necessary to keep them running year after year.

We’re experts when it comes to commercial heating in Waukegan, IL. After all, we’ve been serving Chicagoland with the best commercial and industrial services since 1961. In this post, we’re going to look at several of the measures employed in commercial heating that help these systems make it through the extreme winter weather we experience in Chicagoland while maintaining efficiency and high performance. 

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The Importance of Fall Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

As the leaves start to change color and temperatures begin to drop in Chicago, it’s essential for businesses to prepare for the upcoming cold weather. Any type of commercial enterprise needs to be able to withstand the intense temperatures and humidity changes that come with our winters, and the maintenance necessary has to come from experienced professionals.

One of the most crucial services that we provide for our customers is commercial HVAC maintenance. When you work with us to develop a regular HVAC maintenance program, we’ll ensure that your heating and cooling systems are in top-notch condition. In this post, we’ll discuss why fall HVAC Maintenance in Naperville, IL and throughout Chicagoland is so vital.

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Commercial Heating & Maintaining Good Indoor Air Quality

Monday, March 20th, 2023

Whatever type of heating system you use for your commercial facility (rooftop units, radiant heating systems, boilers, gas furnaces, etc.), you must also pay attention to your facility’s indoor air quality (IAQ). Unfortunately, indoor air quality is often low for commercial properties, especially during times when the heating system needs to run. To ensure the best efficiency for a commercial heating system, the facility needs to stay sealed from the outside, and this contributes to poor ventilation and lack of fresh air. 

Poor indoor air quality creates multiple problems: health issues for occupants, lowered productivity for employees, damage to equipment (particularly electronics) and building materials, and even a drop in the value of the property. 

What can you do to ensure the best IAQ for your commercial property while heating it? We’ll look at several actions you can take.

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It’s Fall: Time to Schedule Maintenance for Your HVAC Systems

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

When October arrives, you know it’s truly fall. The temperatures will start to drop, and although this may at first come as a relief after a hot summer, it also warns of the extreme cold that is around the corner when winter starts.

Ask yourself if your commercial facility in Chicago is ready for the approaching winter. What important steps do you need to take to ensure your operations continue as normal when the outdoor temperature drops below freezing?

You might already have a list of what you need to get done. We want to make sure that you have commercial HVAC maintenance in Chicago, IL on that list. Few services are more important for a business to handle the effects of winter than ensuring the heating systems can operate properly, at the highest efficiency, and with little chance of an abrupt breakdown.

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How Long Will Your Commercial Heating Systems Last?

Monday, March 7th, 2022

The heating equipment for a business facility accounts for a significant amount of the annual budget, especially in a place like Chicago with its severe winters. If you own or operate a business in Chicagoland, you’ll want to get the longest possible service life from all the heating systems: replacement systems are costly.

So how many years can you expect from your commercial heating systems? We’ll look into this more below, as well as how you can help your company’s heating systems last as long as possible.

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Commercial Heating Maintenance Is an Essential Fall Task

Monday, September 6th, 2021

Welcome to September! We can look forward to cooler temperatures coming up (although we’ll still have some scorcher days left) as we move into the fall. But this milder weather is also an early warning that winter is not far behind. It’s time to consider the maintenance for your commercial heating system in Hillside, IL.

Commercial HVAC systems require extensive maintenance during the year, often on a special schedule depending on the type of facility, the HVAC equipment, and the frequency of use. But all commercial facilities will at least need fall maintenance for their heating systems. We’ll explain more below.

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