Althoff Industries, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Replacement’

How Long Will Your Commercial Heating System Last?

Monday, February 21st, 2022

When you invest in heating systems for your commercial space, whether rooftop HVAC units, a commercial furnace, or a commercial boiler, you’ll want to get as many years as possible from them. But how many years can you realistically expect? 

Although we can’t give you single definite answer about the service lives of your equipment in a blog post, we can offer guidelines and advice to ensure you get the best service from your vital HVAC equipment.

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The Importance of Proper Sizing for Your Commercial Heating Equipment

Monday, January 24th, 2022

When handling the commercial heating needs of a facility, our technicians have to take many factors into consideration. These factors are more extensive than for residential homes, although many are the same on a more extensive scope. One of the most important challenges for proper commercial heating installation and replacement is properly sizing the equipment to match the space. 

Unfortunately, poor sizing for commercial HVAC equipment is a common problem our technicians encounter when doing repairs or maintenance. Not all commercial HVAC contractors make the same level of effort in sizing equipment, sometimes taking shortcuts and using “guesstimates” when it comes to judging how powerful a heating system a facility needs. This is why we encourage you to always work with the best people offering commercial HVAC in Naperville, IL—the difference in proper sizing alone is tremendous.

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